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Anita G. Houser

Anita G. Houser


United States 30813



Additional Info:

Has accompanied for :
- Church choirs
- Middle and High school orchestra and chorus rehearsals and concerts
- Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE)
- Instrumentalists at Solo and Ensemble Festival
- Auditions
- Competitions
- College Voice majors' juries and recitals
- Vocalists and Instrumentalists at for voice lessons, rehearsals, weddings, and more
- Musical Theatre Productions

Bachelor of Music degree (Piano Performance)
Excellent sight-reader
Brings great musicality to accompaniment
Singer-Pianist who is naturally gifted at accompanying
Very reliable, professional and easy to work with
Voice and Piano Teacher (www.AnitasMusicStudio.com)


Please inquire - rates will vary according to the particular project.


Piano, Organ, Electronic Keyboard


Contemporary Music, Jazz, Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction

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