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Brianna Christopher

Brianna Christopher


Los Angeles County and Orange County
United States 91436



Additional Info:

I am a classically trained pianist with over 7 years of experience performing and a passion for collaborating. During my Bachelor's in Piano at California State University; I was mentored by music professionals and participated in group keyboard classes, piano ensemble & chamber music, and I collaborated with singers and instrumentalists. I am now working on my Master's. I also studied and taught private-lessons at a Russian Piano school for several years to students of diverse backgrounds so, I am familiar with this repertoire. As a young musician in this field that I am dedicated to, I look forward to more opportunities to expand my musical horizons.

Feel free to contact me at briannapianist@gmail.com


$ 30.00 Dollars Per Hour


Piano, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Ballet Accompaniment

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